TriDEx 2019

TriDEx 2019

What can I say but that my first TriDEx was amazing! Eve and I had a ton of fun, learned a lot and got to meet many new people and their dogs. On Friday night after a day of seminars, we had Nora’s brother, Herb, and his mom Lauri stop by on their way home […]

Can’t forget obedience…and tracking!

Can’t forget obedience…and tracking!

I decided to take an obedience class with Eve this winter during the slow show times, to hopefully get her ready for Rally at the specialty.  She and I were in the Beginners class at AllBreed Obedience with her littermate Tank and his owner Lisa.  Well, I learned that she is one smart and stubborn […]

Proud Mom & Aunt

Proud Mom & Aunt

Usually there is a kind of lul in shows that everyone enters after the Land O Lakes show until the Fargo show in May.  But not this year!!! My niece Hannah, who is 7 years old, came to watch at the Land O Lakes show.  She ended up loving it and went home to practice […]

Eve’s first major!

Eve’s first major!

In January 2013 I entered Eve in the Lank O Lakes Kennel club dog show, which is held right here in St. Paul, MN.  With only being 10 minutes away from the show site I offered our home as a place to stay for others coming in from out of town.  Kim, Adam and Lenny […]

Nationals 2012

Nationals 2012

Well, the week has flown by and this is my first chance to post.  As usual, it was a week of fun, laughs and learning.  This year I entered Eve in conformation and Henry in obedience and rally. Eve placed 4th and 3rd at the two specialties in the 12-18  month bitch class but then […]

Eve’s progress

Eve’s progress

Since I’ve been sick ever since Eve’s first official show we haven’t been working on practicing as much as I would like.  The other day I had the grooming table all set up to groom Sarge so I decided I would try stacking Eve since I hadn’t done so in over a month. Here is […]

Henry starts training

Henry starts training

Well, I’m hoping to work with Henry so that we can do Rally, Obedience and possibly Tracking together at shows.  We just started training a few weeks ago and so far progress is being made.  I’m hoping that we will be able to do beginning Rally at either the Basset Hound specialty in Jordan, MN […]