I decided to take an obedience class with Eve this winter during the slow show times, to hopefully get her ready for Rally at the specialty. She and I were in the Beginners class at AllBreed Obedience with her littermate Tank and his owner Lisa. Well, I learned that she is one smart and stubborn hound…kinda what I already knew! She does very well with heeling and recalls. Her sits, downs and stays are another thing! Now if you put Henry and Eve together, I would have a wonderful obedience competition dog!!
Henry has been taking a break from the obedience ring, but he did have his evaluation at TCOTC a week ago.
He can start in Level 3 obedience when I have time to take a class with him again. I had been wanting to try out tracking for years but never had an opportunity to take a class up north. So this Spring I decided to search for tracking classes, now that we’ve moved to the cities, and let Henry try something new, outside the rally and obedience ring. I found Active Dog Sports Training, where I entered us in the Intro class and the Beginner class. The Intro was last Sunday, where we learned about what tracking is, the supplies we will need and did a quick 25ft tracking exercise. Henry had fun and it was a joy to not have to try to keep his focus on me, but allow him to follow his nose! Our beginning class starts Wednesday, April 3rd so watch for further updates! I also finally got his CGC AKC title paperwork turned into AKC, so he is now officially Henry Little Harrumpfer Longfellow RN CGC.
And then there is Faith. Faith has been staying with us since the Land O Lakes show in January. She and Eve have been playing non-stop and are pretty much inseparable. Faith reminds me a lot of Henry in many ways (must be from the mother’s side) but she also has this never ending supply of energy. Currently, I have Faith entered in the Level 1 obedience class at TCOTC. She is learning all the basics and I have high hopes that with a lot of practice she and I can take part in Rally in the future.